safety briefing
At the start of every MSK trip we give you a safety briefing including an introduction to kayaking and advice on how to get the best out of your trip.
It takes about 30 minutes for guided tours and a little longer for freedom rentals. We’ll show you how to set up your kayak and will teach you the correct techniques for paddling, as well as discussing weather information to help you plan & prepare. We also provide a map of the Abel Tasman and brief you on the many points of interest along the coastline.

msk equipment
We provide you with the latest, specialised sea kayaking equipment to ensure your safety and comfort throughout your Abel Tasman experience.
• Plastic or fibreglass touring kayak
• Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
• Paddles (including a spare)
• Spray Skirts
• Paddle Jackets
• Waterproof Maps
• Waterproof Camera Bags
• Bailing Pumps
• Emergency Flares
• Cold weather gear if required
Unless you are very experienced kayakers we always use two-person kayaks on our guided trips and freedom rentals. This is because double kayaks are far better suited to our sea conditions in the Abel Tasman. They are more stable, faster and have much bigger storage capacity for your equipment and as such give you a far more enjoyable experience. Single kayaks are provided for groups with uneven numbers.
what to bring
things to bring
When packing remember that you are going into the outdoors. Pack smartly so that you can fit everything into the kayak storage space.
Day Trips: Shorts, t-shirt, sandals or shoes, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, camera, towel, swimwear, insect repellent, water bottle, warm change of clothes and any personal medication.
Overnight Trips: Everything listed for day trips plus a rain jacket, toiletries, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and cooking utensils.
food, water & cooking equipment
For all full-day guided trips you can either bring your own food or MSK can provide lunch and snacks at an additional cost. This needs to be specified when you book your trip. You need to bring your own food for subsequent days spent without a guide.
Freedom Rentals are un-catered. You need to bring all food and refreshments with you along with cooking equipment and utensils.
Drinking water is not provided on the Abel Tasman Coast track. Boil or treat drinking water before use. On guided tours we carry additional drinking water in the kayaks. Freedom rental clients should aim to have at least 4 litres of water with you when departing from our base.
camping equipment
You need to bring your own camping equipment if you are spending a night in the Park:
• Tent
• Sleeping Bag
• Sleeping Mat
• Cooker
• Pot
• Plates
• Utensils
• Torch/flash light
We have a full range of camping equipment available for hire through the Abel Tasman Centre if you don’t have your own gear.

You must pre-book all accommodation before you enter the Park. We offer Department of Conservation campsite and hut booking services free to all of our kayaking clients.
Campsite prices are as follows:
In the peak season 1 October – 30 April:
New Zealand citizens and those ordinarily resident in New Zealand:
Adult (18+ years): $16 per person, per night
Child (17 years and under): free but booking still required
International visitors:
Adult (18+ years): $24 per person, per night
Child (17 years and under): $12 person, per night
In the off-peak season 1 May – 30 September:
For all visitors:
Adult (18+ years): $16 person, per night
Child (17 years and under): Free
Huts prices are as follows:
In the peak season from 1 October – 30 April:
New Zealand citizens and those ordinarily resident in New Zealand:
Adult (18+ years): $42 per person, per night
Child (17 years and under): free but booking still required
International visitors:
Adult (18+ years): $56 per person, per night
Child (17 years and under): $32 per person, per night
All visitors 1 May – 30 June:
Adult (18+ years): $32 per person, per night
Child (17 years and under): free but booking still required
All visitors 1 July – 31 August:
Adult (18+ years): $26 per person, per night
Child (17 years and under): free but booking still required
Advance booking is a must for all accommodation options in the Park.